The “New Mommy” Plan




This plan is geared specifically towards the new mommy! We know exactly what you are looking for and how badly you want to get back to feeling like the “old you!” We are ready to help make that happen! This plan includes a nutritional/training plan geared specifically to the new mom.  We provide a meal plan, a training plan and cardio plan to help get your pre-baby body back. Because your body after pregnancy is like no other body, we will be there every step of the way. We will provide you with a meal plan, adjustments and customization to your meal plan and weekly email check-ins. In addition to the weekly check-ins, we are available via email any time you have a question about you training program or just need a little pep talk! It’s always a rough road coming back from pregnancy  but we are excited to help you get back the old YOU!!


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